********************** DISPLAY ENERGY/TIME/POINTS ETC ON A GUI *********************************************** First you have to make the GUI. Let's say it's GUI 1. The energy of the hero is stored in a Global Integer. We will use Global Integer 10. If we want our hero to start with an energy of 100 we put this in the game_start function : SetGlobalInt(10,100); // The energy at the beginning is 100. When we want to add energy we use this script: SetGlobalInt(10,GetGlobalInt(10) + 10); // Add 10 points of energy. When we want to subtract energy we use this: SetGlobalInt(10,GetGlobalInt(10) - 10) // remove 10 points of energy if (GetGlobalInt(10)>0) {} // If energy is greater than 0 do nothing else Display ("You are dead"); // else our hero is dead Then we want to display this on a GUI. We make two labels in the GUI. On the first (OBJECT 0) we write "Energy" and on the other (OBJECT 1) we write whatever we want (or nothing ) On the top of the global script we declare the energy string , by writing: string energy; In the Global script's repeatedly execute function we write: StrFormat(energy,"%d", GetGlobalInt(10)); // we're passing the global int's quantity in the string "energy" SetLabeltext (1,1,energy); //We're displaying the energy points on the object 1 of the GUI 1 That's all. This way you can display whatever you want on a GUI (names. points, money etc) If this doesn't work or you haave any questions mail Spyros at lordovol@hotmail.com